Saturday, 20 December 2008

Bye from Room 9!

Sadly it has come to the end of the school year and it is time for us all to move off to other classrooms.

THANK YOU for visiting our class blog and leaving so many useful comments throughout the year. We have learned a lot from your comments and been able to better reflect on our learning because of them.


Please visit Rachel's new 2009 Room 9 class blog here:

You can follow the rest of us at our other Nelson Central School Blogs here.
Thanks for sharing in our learning journey :)

From Rachel & Room 9 2008

Friday, 12 December 2008

We'll show you how to dance!

On the 4th of December Kowhai Syndicate held our end of year production called "Down Memory Lane".

Room 9 learned and performed an amazing dance called "The Evolution of Dance". It shows different styles of dance through the ages. We learnt most of the dance off Judson Laipply's video on You Tube and Rachel modified lots of the moves to make it easier and appropriate for 6 and 7 year olds.

Take a look at our amazing dance below, we hope you enjoy it!
We'd love your comments too!

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Our Poetry Voicethread

We have been learning to write great poems. We have been using lots of adjectives in our poetry to describe and make our writing interesting.

Take a look at our Voicethread below where you can hear us reading our best poems (if you can't see it, make sure you press reload on your Internet Browser).

Monday, 3 November 2008

Adjectives 2

Can you think of some more great adjectives to descibe THIS new picture...

Friday, 31 October 2008

A special birthday

Yesterday was a special birthday for someone who is very important to Nelson Central School...

Our Principal Dr Potaka!

Click play on the video to listen to Room 9 wish him a very special "Happy Birthday" :)

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Rich Adjectives

We have been learning to use adjectives to describe things. Soon we will use all our knowldge of adjectives to write some awesome poems.

We had to use 6 adjectives to describe an object or a thing. Here are some of our lines:

The toy monkey is green, purple, orange, happy, cheeky and cute.
By Siobhan

My classroom teddy is soft, cuddly, blue, useful, little and has black eyes.
By Grace

The dice is useful, rubbery, small, soft, yellowy and dangly.
By Holly

My learning journal is colourful, useful, small, hard, rustly and rough.
By Te Miri

My pencil is blue, wooden, sharp, smooth, hard, cold and little.
By Arjuna

The globe is round, blue, useful, colourful, big and hard.
By Melany

Can you think of at least 2 words to describe the object in this picture?
Post your answer as a comment below:

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

The Pumpkin Seed Project

Room 9 is taking part in the 2008 Pumpkin Seed Project with lots of other classes around the world.

We had to get a pumpkin that was a between certain weights. Luckily Sue M and Room 1 had one exactly the right weight. It was 2.2kgs.

Today we learnt about estimating. We had to make a smart guess at how many pumkin seeds would be inside our pumpkin.

We made a chart showing all our guesses. If you click on the photo you'll be able to see our guesses much larger. The average number of all of our guesses was 37.

Tomorrow we are going to open up the pumpkin and count all of the seeds to see if our estimations were correct!

If you want to read more about the pumpkin seed project, click here!

Friday, 17 October 2008

Diana Noonan Visits NCS

Today Nelson Central School went to assembly.
Diana Noonan told us a story.
It was called The Giant's Stew.
By Tony

Today Diana Noonan (an author) came to the Nelson Central School hall. Room 9 went there to meet her. Room 9 walked there. First Diana read the school stories that she wrote. My favourite book she wrote was called "Trees belong to everyone".
By Merlyn

On Friday Room 9 and the rest of Nelson Central went to the hall. Her name is Diana Noonan. She is an author. She wrote Best Loved Bear, Best Dressed Bear, Trees belong to everyone and The Giant's Stew. My favourite story was Trees belong to everyone. It was my favourite story because I like it how the children sang. Diana Noonan is a nice lady.
By Charlotte

Today Nelson Central School had a very special visitor. The visitor's name was Diana Noonan. Her job is to write books. She is called an author. Diana read us some books. When she read the books her tone of voice sounded cool. She wrote the books herself! They were good books.
By Siobhan

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Messages for Melany

Melany is away from Room 9 and is visiting China for a few weeks. She will be back next term. Hopefully she will have learnt some Chinese language and can teach us!

Here are some messages for Melany from Room 9:

How are you doing in China Melany? From Oscar

I miss you Melany. From Holly

I hope you're having fun in China. From Ella

I hope you've learned a few words in Chinese. From Merlyn

I hope you're having a great time. From Amber

I hope you are keeping up with us on the blog. From Siobhan

We have
been learning about writing more instructions. From Luke M

We have been doing more learning about exporting. From Te Miri

On Thursday we visited Room 14 and asked questions about what they learned about this Term. From Siggi

We have been doing some painting on Kidpix. From Arjuna

We have been learning how to make paper ships. We got your comment. From Tyler

Thanks for your comment Melany. We read it at email time today. Good to see you are reading our blog all the way from China. Hope you're having a great time visiting your Grandparents. We are on holiday after tomorrow for two weeks. See you when you get back! From Rachel

Loud Shirt Day

Last Friday it was Loud Shirt Day. It was to raise money to give children who can't hear very well a voice. It is to help them get cochlea implants so that children can hear.

Amber, Jack, Logan and Te Miri all got dressed up in their loud shirts and donated some money. Logan and Jack also won a prize for their great loud shirts!

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Processing Fish

We have been learning how fish gets from the sea in New Zealand to a dinner plate in another country.
One of the processes of exporting fish overseas is processing it.

Take a look at some of our diagrams to see how Sealord process the fish on the factory freezer trawlers after it has been caught.

By Amber

By Beau

By Logan

By Te Miri

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

How to make Honey Toast

We are learning to write instructions for procedures in writing. A few weeks ago Room 9 made TOAST! We got to choose from white, multigrain or wholemeal bread and honey, jam or vegemite spread!

After we had made the toast (and eaten it!) we wrote our instructions. Two Room 9 students recorded our procedure with photographs. In the video below you can see "How to make Honey Toast". We hope you enjoy it.

Well done to our photographer Hayden, and our model, Luke M, for independently getting EVERY step of the process captured!

Friday, 12 September 2008

Making Paper Ships

We have been learning about the Factory Freezer Trawlers that are used to catch and process fish in New Zealand. This is part of the process of exporting fish to other countries.

Today we used the website "WikiHow" to learn how to make a paper ship. If you look at the actual article here you can even see the excellent drawings they have of each step of the process (these were very useful).

You can see the instructions we followed below:

How to Make a Paper Ship

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit


  1. Take a piece of rectangular paper and place it in front of you so the paper is in portrait format - with the longer edges to the side. Fold it in half lengthwise so the top meets the bottom - with the fold at the "top" of the piece of paper.
  2. Fold in to half width and unfold - this marks your center line.
  3. Fold the top right corner down so the top edge lines up with the center line.
  4. Flip over. Repeat. This should create a "house" like shape with a "big" roofline and about an inch of paper below the triangle of the roof
  5. Fold bottom edge up. Flip over the paper.
  6. Fold bottom edge up.
  7. This makes a paper hat shape.
  8. Grasp the hat shape in the center. Do this at the point where the diagonal creases meet.
  9. Pull apart the paper and flatten. You should end up with a diamond-shaped piece of paper.
  10. Fold the bottom edge up. Leave about a 1/4 of an inch (0.65 cm) border between the top edge and the edge of portion that has been folded-up. Once done, flip the paper over.
  11. Fold the bottom edge to line up with the other side.
  12. Hold the paper ship in the middle of the bottom edge. Pull it apart and flatten.
  13. The paper should now be this strange shape.
  14. Take the left and right triangular portions and pull apart. The bottom edge will flip up on its own.
  15. Look at your creation: Your paper ship is now complete.

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Make a Paper Ship. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Friday, 5 September 2008

Cross Country Racing!

On Wednesday 27th of August at 1 o’clock the whole of Nelson Central School did Cross Country. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon.

We had the cross country at Nelson Central School on the front field. Normally we have it at the Botanics but it would have been too wet on the grass there. We only had to walk down to the front field from our classroom.

We have been training for cross country for 4 or 5 weeks.

There were lots of parents that came to Nelson Central School to watch us do cross country. It started with the 5 year old girls and ended with the open race. The first 10 children in each race got a number written on their hand.

Lots of Room 9 got places in the cross country:

6 year old girls:

· Holly – 1st

· Ella – 5th

· Siobhan – 10th

6 year old boys:

· Oscar – 2nd

· Jack – 5th

· Tyler – 6th

· Baxter – 7th

7 year old boys:

· Luke M – 3rd

· Logan – 5th

· Dylan 8th

All of Room 9 got a Cross Country Participation certificate the next day. We all tried our hardest.

Shared Writing by Room 9

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Arum lillies

A few weeks ago Room 9 went to the Suter Art Gallery. There were 700 Arum lillies. Anne Rush made the 700 hundred lillies in 1 year. The whole room was white. It was a rememberance room. We made our own Arum lillies with a milk bottle, pipe cleaners and plastic bags. We walked to the Suter Art gallery and back again.

By Luke M & Logan

Body in Action

On the 6th of August Room 9 walked to the Nelson Musuem.We went to see the Body in Action exebition. There was a giant nose,the guts game,smelly toilets,the pulser,the grinder,the muscle mania and the sensational sences.On the "Test your strength" thing I got up to good.

By Hayden

Friday, 29 August 2008

We're going to be famous!

We have been singing for choir at the Nelson Cathedral. We are going to be famous and everyone can buy one of our CDs. Tania and Bob are conducting us. Bob is recording our singing using big microphones. We are doing our best efforts with our singing. We bet you will like our CD. We will let you know when you can buy it!

By Beau

Thursday, 28 August 2008

NZ's Exports

We have been learning about trading and imports and exports.

New Zealand exports lots of things to other countries around the world. This means we sell other countries things that we have lots of.

Do you know some of the things New Zealand sells to other countries?

Take a look at some of our Inspiration diagrams to find out what!

By Grace & Melany

Monday, 25 August 2008

Trade-a-thing Day

On Thursday 21st of August Kowhai Syndicate held a "Trade-a-thing Day" in the hall to celebrate the learning we have been doing in our Inquiry topic of Trading - looking at imports and exports. We each brought 2-3 things we no longer wanted anymore to trade/swap with other children in our syndicate.

Here are what some of Room 9 thought of Trade-a-thing Day:

I thought Kowhai's trade-a-thing was great. I got a book, a rabbit and a toy Jasmin. Before that I had an Aladdin book, a bag with a pencil sharpener and a ball and a bag with some other stuff in it. I traded with Logan, Ella and a girl in Renwick 2.
By Charlotte

I thought trade-a-thing day was great! I liked it because there were lots of cool toys and you could trade. There were lots of other children to trade with. I traded a fire engine for a spider (with Toby) and a puzzle for an aeroplane (with Oscar).
By Merlyn

I thought trade-a-thing day was fun. I traded with Quanah, Grace and Holly. I treaded with Grace for her pony and she got my giraffe puzzle. I traded with Quanah my cheetah puzzle for her violet doll. I traded with Holly my elephant puzzle for her doll's mirror.
By Siggi

I thought Trade-a-thing day was excellent, fantastic and fun. Before I had a note book, a teenage mutant ninja turtles car and a spider. After I had a fire engine, pen and the teenage mutant ninja turtles car. It was on Thursday. I liked trade-a-thing day because I like trading things.
By Toby

I thought trade-a-thing day was fascinating. I traded with Tyler. I traded my bouncy ball for a bionicle. I did not trade my car. I wanted to trade my car but everyone else only had little stuff to trade.
By Dylan

Here is a video of Room 9 all lined up with their things ready to trade:

[Special thanks to Dylan and Jack for making the title credits for our movie]

Friday, 22 August 2008

Olympic Current Events

Thursday was Olympics Current Events Day again in Room 9.

For our homefun, we had to bring or prepare something to talk to the class about to do with The Olympics.

Some children were chosen as they were the best prepared out of those who hadn't already made an Olympic Current Events video appearance.

We hope you enjoy our Olympic Current Events!

Thursday, 21 August 2008

How to do rainbow writing

Room 9 read an article in Junior Journal 24 that explained how to do "Rainbow Writing". So with Caroline we did our own!

By using our instructions you can also do your very own rainbow writing!

What you need:
  • oil pastels
  • pencil
  • 2 pieces of paper the same size (Ella)

What you do:
  1. Use the oil pastels to draw stripes (Melany)
  2. Put the other piece of paper underneath the stripey piece of paper (Holly)
  3. Write on the back of the coloured piece of paper (Dylan)
  4. Take the piece of paper off - now you have rainbow writing (Tyler)

Here are some examples of our rainbow writing.

(click on any picture to see it larger)

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Current Events: The Olympics

Today we have been discussing
The Olympics
for Current Events.

Each child from Room 9 had to bring in an article or something to talk about that was to do with The Olympics. Room 9 spoke about many different sports all played in the Olympics and knew heaps of facts about what had/has been happening.

6 children were chosen to speak about their current event in a movie recording. We hope you enjoy all of the interesting things they found out about the Olympics!

Don't forget to leave us a comment if you want to share some information about the Olympics with us!

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

New Zealand's Exports

This page will help us: click here!

How to make a Pop up Card

We are learning to write instructions on how to do different things.

Here we will give you instructions on how to make a pop up card. Maybe you might like to have a try yourself!

You will need:

  • Coloured A4 paper
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
How to make it:
  1. Fold the piece of paper in half like a book (Holly)
  2. Draw a 6cm line using your ruler from the middle of the fold (Luke M)
  3. Cut along the line with the scissors (Toby)
  4. Fold two triangles out from the cut (Logan)
  5. Unfold the triangles (Amber)
  6. Open the card out like a tent (Ethan)
  7. Push the big triangles through to the other side and fold them (Charlotte)
  8. Fold the folds of the triangles (beak) the other way so they stick out (Oscar). This makes a mouth.
  9. Close the card. Make sure all the mouth is pushed inside and fold it all down (Arjuna)
  10. Open your card and decorate it! (Ella)

If you get stuck, this website, is what we used to help us.
It has great photos of how to make the folds.

Thursday, 31 July 2008


On Wednesday afternoon Room 9 was at Room4 and the lights went on and off. A few minutes later the internet went off. Next the storm began. When Room 9 went back to our classroom we had to run because it was really scary and stormy. We had to wait to be picked up. Mum and I took Grace home in the car to her house. Olivia, Grace's sister, kept on crying because of the storm. Grace and I were scared too. When Mum and I went home, Mum could not cook my dinner because we didn't have power. So I had to have KFC. After dinner, my Mum's rose bush was dancing about in the garden. I hated it because it was scary and frightening.

By Siggi

On Wednesday afternoon Room 9 went to Room 4. Room 9 did Kidpix drawings. The lights went off and Room 9 looked outside. A storm had come. The internet stopped working. Room 9 lined up. Room 9 ran back to Room 9. I cried because I was scared. When I went home lots of trees had fallen over.

By Dylan

On Wednesday afternoon Room 9 went to Room 4. When I went on the computer the lights went off and there was a storm. When I looked out the windows it was raining and windy.

By Holly

Yesterday afternoon Room 9 went to Room 4. It was windy, stormy and thundery. The lights flickered off and on. It was really, really noisy. We drew Maui and the Sun pictures in Room 4. We also did maths. Then we got back to Room 9. The wind pushed us forward and it was raining too. We waited to be collected by Chipmunks or parents. Dylan was crying because he thought his Mum or Dad wasn't coming. In the front field the branches were on the grass and the basketball hoops had fallen over. The soccer goals were fallen over too. Then we went home.

By Beau

When Room 9 went to Room 4 we sat down on the mat with our rulers and pencils and rubbers. Then Room 9 went on the computers and the other half of us went and did their maths. While we were doing that the lights flickered on and off and it was windy. I looked out the window and the basketball hoops were down. After we finished we went back to the classroom and sat down on the mat. We waited for our parents inside so we did not get blown away. My Mum came to pick me up so I left school and went to pick up my little sister.

By Tyler

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Maui and the Sun Drawings

Last week we retold the legend of Maui and the Sun.
Today we drew drawings on the computer using Kidpix to represent a part of the legend.

Take a look at our artwork below, can you guess which part of the legend we have drawn our pictures of?

Monday, 28 July 2008

Maui and the Sun retelling

Last week Room 9 looked at the legend "Maui and the Sun".

We had lots of discussion and listened to the story a few times. Then we had to retell it in our own words and write a recount of what happened in our writing.

Here are some of our recounts, some will even be published in the next school newsletter! We hope you enjoy them :)

Once upon a time in the olden days the sun went too fast. The villagers didn’t have enough time to do their chores. Then Maui made a plan to catch the sun. Maui got his bravest men to come and help him catch it. They asked one of the women to weave a rope for them to use. Maui said a karakia to protect it. They walked all night and slept all day until they reached the edge of the world. Then they found the sun. They caught the sun and made it go slower.

By Te Miri

A long time ago the sun went too fast. The villagers didn’t have enough time to do their jobs fast. One day the villagers got mad. Maui got a plan so they went to the sun’s lair. They got ready. A big red light came up. The sun popped up. “Pull men!” said Maui. Maui went to the sun and started to beat the sun. “Stop it! Stop it!” said the sun. “Only if you go slow so we can get our jobs done, ok?” said Maui. “Just let me go,” said the sun. From then on the sun always went slow.

By Dylan

Once upon a time the sun always travelled too fast across the sky and the villagers did not get time to do their chores and for the children to play. Maui said “make me a rope and a trap”. Maui called his best guards to help him so they walked night and day until they got to the edge of the world. They found the sun’s hole and put the rope over the hole. Then they sat down and waited until the sun came out. Then Maui pulled the sun in until the sun said “yes, I will slow down!”

By Tyler

Thursday, 3 July 2008

So what is our Classroom like?

In the school holidays I am going to speak to some teachers from Petone in Wellington about some of the things we have been doing about learning & ICT in our class and at Nelson Central School.

Over the past few days some of Room 9 have helped me by recording themselves talking about some things in our classroom using the digital voice recorder.

I have put them all into a video below. It is like a TOUR OF OUR CLASSROOM!

I hope you enjoy it!

From Rachel :)

Special thanks to the students below who chatted away for me: Toby, Chloe, Luke M, Te Miri, Melany, Arjuna, Siobhan, Oscar, Baxter and Logan.

Itineraries for visitors to Nelson

This term we have been planning an ITINERARY for a new visitor to Nelson.

In our scenario, our visitor was to be a 60 year old Grandma who enjoys art, walking, craft and reading.

Our task was to:

"Plan an itinerary around Nelson for a visiting 60 year old Grandma.
Include where you would go in the morning, for lunch and in the afternoon.
You will need to be able to walk to all your destinations from Nelson Central School."

Here are our finished slideshows that detail our ITINERARY, use the arrow keys to flick through the pages :)

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Lunch with our Monster "IT"

We have been learning to use lots of different describing words in our writing.

Today we wrote poems that described the food we would eat if we went out to lunch with our monster "It". Here are some lines from Room 9's poems.

If I had lunch with It...
We would start out with white and orange fish pie. (Holly)
Then he would serve me a stinky, red meat pie. (Baxter)
And a cup of fat,chocolate worms. (Chloe)
Next we will eat rainbow goo. (Keely)
For desert, I would eat crimson, slushy pavlova (Logan)
And green, slimy slugs (Quanah)
with a monster sized apple (Tony)

Here are four of our best monster pictures... what do you think?

By Melany

By Logan

By Arjuna & Toby

Friday, 20 June 2008

Our Olden Day Comics

On Wednesday Room 9 used "Comic Life" to make some comics.

We used the pictures of us dressed up in olden day clothes. Then we added speech bubbles to our pictures. We had to pretend that we were olden day people. We had to write what we would say in the speech bubbles.

You can check out our awesome "Comic Life" pictures by clicking here.

Thursday, 12 June 2008

We got dressed up!

Yesterday Room 9 went to the Nelson Museum to visit the very special "Unpicking the Past" exhibition.

It was absolutely fantastic and we had an amazing time. The best part was getting to dress up in olden-day style clothing! We have some stories and a video that we will be working on about our visit. For now; check out our photos below!

Friday, 6 June 2008

Goodbye Emma

Today is Emma's last day with Room 9 at Nelson Central School.

We recorded some little video clips with our messages to Emma. We have really enjoyed having her teach us over the last 5 weeks.

Take a look at our video to view our messages:

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Celebrating Matariki

Today Matariki Nelson Central School and other people around New Zealand celebrated MATARIKI!

Kowhai Syndicate had a traditional-style shared kai (food) consisting of:

  • Pumpkin & Kumera soup
  • Pork boil-up with onion & silverbeet
  • A bread roll
  • Apple pieces
Check out our video to learn a little about Matariki and see what some of Room 9 thought of the kai!

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Last two Holidays Videos!

The last two holidays videos have been put together from content gathered from Room 9 during the first 2 weeks of term.

We did our drawings in Kidpix and recorded our talking using the Digital Voice Recorder. Movie Maker then helped us put it all together into a movie!

Check out the last 2 videos below!

We hope you enjoyed the videos :)

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

World Environment Day

Did you know World Environment Day is coming up on Thursday the 5th of June??

Room 9 has been getting ready to celebrate this special day (which is also on the same day as Matariki in New Zealand). In groups, last week, we made some fantastic posters with some messages on them that we want people to take notice of.

Our posters are going to be displayed on Thursday around the outside of our school, with all the other class' posters for all of the Nelson Community to see.

Check out our awesome posters in the photo slideshow below!

Friday, 23 May 2008

Our trip to the Public Library

Room 9 went to the Nelson Public Library. We stopped off at the Queen's Gardens to have our lunch. I had an excellent time. I even found a book about Tuataras. I read different books. We walked back to school.
By Toby

Check out the awesome video that some of Room 9 made about our library trip below...

Room 9 went to the Nelson Public Library. On the way we stopped to have lunch at the Queen's Gardens. After lunch Toby and I climbed on a tree. Then we kept going. When we got to the library we sat down. After that we looked for some books about Nelson (I found one). Then we just looked at books. I found a really cool book.
By Merlyn

Thursday, 22 May 2008


Room 9 has two teachers for 5 weeks!
One is Rachel and the other is Emma!

Emma has been helping Room 9 with their learning.

Here is what a few of Room 9 had to say about Emma:
  • Emma is here to help us learn - Dylan
  • Emma is a nice teacher - Ella
  • She helps us with words that we don't know - Luke M
  • We like Emma - Siobhan
  • She is a good teacher - Charlotte
  • Emma helps us with our writing - Merlyn
  • Thank you for teaching us Emma - Oscar
  • You are a great teacher Emma - Amber

[Kidpix picture by Ella]

Our Holidays 2

Another group in Room 9 has finally had some time to sit down with Rachel and put their video together about their holidays.

We hope you enjoy hearing about these students' holidays :)

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Our Holidays

Room 9 is back from holidays, we had 2 weeks off school!

Take a look at our video to see what eight students from Room 9 got up to!

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

I was in the paper!

In the holidays I went to the Richmond Mall to shoot hoops with three Giants basketball players. The players’ names were called Chris Daniel, Rowan Gray and Mike Fitchett.

I got nine balls in the hoop. If you got two balls in the hoop you would get a drink. I got two balls in the hoop.

I got a drink. The flavour was orange.

Chris Daniel said to me “you could give your tshirt to Phil Jones”. I have got Phil Jones’ tshirt.

Nanny, my sister and my Mum came with me too. My sister got a drink too. She got the same as me. It was a Fruit Buzz. It had a zebra on it.

I won a ball. The ball was orange with black stripes. The hoop was blue, white, red and orange. The hoop was as tall as a tree. It was as heavy as a tree but it didn’t have any branches or leaves like a tree!

I was in the Waimea Weekly newspaper!

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Discovering Nelson

This term our topic is "Discovering Nelson".

We are learning about all the cool things Nelson has to offer a visitor.

We are pretending our visitor is a 60 year old Grandma from another part of Nelson. She would like to look around.

These are the places Room 9 thought they would like to take her to:

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Feathered Friends

Room 9 has been learning about birds.
We have been using our Go Zone that is called "Feathered Friends" to help us.

So far we have learned the names of these New Zealand birds.
They are:
  • Fantail (Ethan)
  • Kakapo (Luke M)
  • Tui (Jack)
  • Ruru or Morepork (Merlyn)
  • Kiwi (Te Miri)
  • Kaka (Luke H)
  • Kereru (Hayden)
  • Kea (Siggi)

We have found out these great facts about birds:
  • A kakapo and a kiwi can't fly (Merlyn)
  • Kakas are the 'clowns' of the forest (James)
  • Kiwis can't fly (Grace)
  • Kiwis come out at night and hunt for insects to eat (Luke M)
  • Kiwis have whiskers (Ella)
  • Fantails have a fan-like tail (Ethan)
  • Tuis can fly and they don't have whiskers (Toby)
  • Kakapo, tui, fantail, ruru and kea are all names of birds (Oscar)

Friday, 4 April 2008

Goodbye Taylor!

Today is Taylor's last day with Room 9 at Nelson Central School.
He is going to do some teaching later in the year in Rotorua which is in the North Island.

We are having a secret shared lunch for Taylor today.

We have brought:
  • popcorn
  • lemon cake
  • pizza
  • buns
  • mango
  • chips
  • watermelon
  • crackers
  • twisties
  • scrolls
  • easter eggs
  • sandwiches
  • and MORE!!!

We are going to share our food and surprise Taylor with our party.

We are also going to show Taylor a movie we made and give him some special cards.

You can watch our short video below, remember to turn on your speakers!

Bye, bye Taylor we will miss you lots!
Come back and visit us!

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Peter and the Wolf

On a rainy day (the 27th of March) we went to see a performance of "Peter and the Wolf". Some people from the Orchestra played for us. They brought a cello and a basoon with them.

First we listened to the story of Peter and the Wolf. We all got to act it out too. We had to be a wolf, a duck, a bird, Peter, a cat and the grandfather. Next we split into three groups.

One group listened to the musicians play the bassoon and the cello. You play the cello by plucking or by using the bow on the strings. You play the bassoon by blowing through a metal tube. You put your fingers over holes.

Another group got to use puppets. There was a cat and a duck puppet. You had to be gentle when using them.

The last group got to listen to the story of Peter and the Wolf. We had to work out which character played which instrument on the story.

We got a go at each group. It was really fun and awesome.

Shared writing by Siobhan, Siggi and Rachel

"I learned which instrument played for each character in the show" - Siobhan

"I learned that you play each instrument in a different way" - Siggi