On Wednesday afternoon Room 9 was at Room4 and the lights went on and off. A few minutes later the internet went off. Next the storm began. When Room 9 went back to our classroom we had to run because it was really scary and stormy. We had to wait to be picked up. Mum and I took Grace home in the car to her house. Olivia, Grace's sister, kept on crying because of the storm. Grace and I were scared too. When Mum and I went home, Mum could not cook my dinner because we didn't have power. So I had to have KFC. After dinner, my Mum's rose bush was dancing about in the garden. I hated it because it was scary and frightening.
By SiggiOn Wednesday afternoon Room 9 went to Room 4. Room 9 did Kidpix drawings. The lights went off and Room 9 looked outside. A storm had come. The internet stopped working. Room 9 lined up. Room 9 ran back to Room 9. I cried because I was scared. When I went home lots of trees had fallen over.
By Dylan
On Wednesday afternoon Room 9 went to Room 4. When I went on the computer the lights went off and there was a storm. When I looked out the windows it was raining and windy.
By Holly
Yesterday afternoon Room 9 went to Room 4. It was windy, stormy and thundery. The lights flickered off and on. It was really, really noisy. We drew Maui and the Sun pictures in Room 4. We also did maths. Then we got back to Room 9. The wind pushed us forward and it was raining too. We waited to be collected by Chipmunks or parents. Dylan was crying because he thought his Mum or Dad wasn't coming. In the front field the branches were on the grass and the basketball hoops had fallen over. The soccer goals were fallen over too. Then we went home.
By Beau
When Room 9 went to Room 4 we sat down on the mat with our rulers and pencils and rubbers. Then Room 9 went on the computers and the other half of us went and did their maths. While we were doing that the lights flickered on and off and it was windy. I looked out the window and the basketball hoops were down. After we finished we went back to the classroom and sat down on the mat. We waited for our parents inside so we did not get blown away. My Mum came to pick me up so I left school and went to pick up my little sister.
By Tyler
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Maui and the Sun Drawings
Today we drew drawings on the computer using Kidpix to represent a part of the legend.
Take a look at our artwork below, can you guess which part of the legend we have drawn our pictures of?
Monday, 28 July 2008
Maui and the Sun retelling
Last week Room 9 looked at the legend "Maui and the Sun".
We had lots of discussion and listened to the story a few times. Then we had to retell it in our own words and write a recount of what happened in our writing.
Here are some of our recounts, some will even be published in the next school newsletter! We hope you enjoy them :)
Once upon a time in the olden days the sun went too fast. The villagers didn’t have enough time to do their chores. Then
By Te Miri
A long time ago the sun went too fast. The villagers didn’t have enough time to do their jobs fast. One day the villagers got mad.
By Dylan
Once upon a time the sun always travelled too fast across the sky and the villagers did not get time to do their chores and for the children to play.
Thursday, 3 July 2008
So what is our Classroom like?
In the school holidays I am going to speak to some teachers from Petone in Wellington about some of the things we have been doing about learning & ICT in our class and at Nelson Central School.
Over the past few days some of Room 9 have helped me by recording themselves talking about some things in our classroom using the digital voice recorder.
From Rachel :)
Itineraries for visitors to Nelson
This term we have been planning an ITINERARY for a new visitor to Nelson.
In our scenario, our visitor was to be a 60 year old Grandma who enjoys art, walking, craft and reading.
Our task was to:
Include where you would go in the morning, for lunch and in the afternoon.
You will need to be able to walk to all your destinations from Nelson Central School."
Here are our finished slideshows that detail our ITINERARY, use the arrow keys to flick through the pages :)
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
Lunch with our Monster "IT"
We have been learning to use lots of different describing words in our writing.
Today we wrote poems that described the food we would eat if we went out to lunch with our monster "It". Here are some lines from Room 9's poems.
If I had lunch with It...
We would start out with white and orange fish pie. (Holly)
Then he would serve me a stinky, red meat pie. (Baxter)
And a cup of fat,chocolate worms. (Chloe)
Next we will eat rainbow goo. (Keely)
For desert, I would eat crimson, slushy pavlova (Logan)
And green, slimy slugs (Quanah)
with a monster sized apple (Tony)